Offers clarification on court agreement

This letter is in reference to the article titled “Sides Reach Agreement on Ordinance Violations” that appeared in the Dec. 2 issue of the Suburban.

Old Bridge Watch agrees that the agreement reached on Nov. 19 was beneficial to all parties concerned. However, there was an oversight of one of the most important parts of the agreement. Joe Citera also agreed to voluntarily give up his license to sell tobacco products if he is convicted of any tobacco violations in the future. This stresses the commitment of Mr. Citera to cooperate and keep minors from purchasing cigarettes.

The complaint filed on Nov. 19 for selling cigarettes to a minor on that date was not thrown out by the judge. I agreed to withdraw the new complaint that could have led to Mr. Citera’s loss of license as part of the agreement reached in court.

I also want to put all the gas stations in town on notice that Old Bridge Watch will be keeping a closer eye on them. It seems that gas stations are an easier access than convenience stores for minors to buy tobacco products.

Louis F. Valentino


Old Bridge Watch