Lakewood Elks events aid handicapped children

The Handicapped Children’s Committee of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, Lakewood, Lodge 1432 is planning two events to raise funds to help handicapped children and their families.

The Handicapped Children’s Charity Ball will take place Feb. 19 and the Handicapped Children’s Charity Gift Auction will be held March 5.

Last year the events raised $7,000 combined, which is now being used for speech therapy classes, medical equipment, support of a local Cystic Fibrosis charity and disabled children in the area. The money raised was also used to send six children to Camp Moore, a special needs summer camp located in northern New Jersey. The lodge also contributes to district and state handicapped children programs.

Those interested in attending the events and/or placing an ad in the souvenir journal may contact (732) 370-5694.