Family extends gratitude for care, support, concern

We have had a most gratifying and humbling experience during the worst of times for us, thanks to the article by Sue M. Morgan, “Family Seeks Support for Teen With Cancer,” that appeared in the Sept. 23 issue of the Suburban.

Having so many people reach out in response, not just financially but with involvement, phone calls, letters, prayers, help and concern (some still coming in), makes us feel humble.

Saying thank you is not enough for the family of Samantha Stanley. We want each and every one of you to realize that you have had a part in her progress.

Please continue to keep Sami in your prayers and thoughts. She is in a little better health now and is at the Ronald McDonald House in New York City.

Again, our sincere thanks to each and every one of you.

Mary Jane Folts

on behalf of the Sami’s Supporting Cast family