Business Briefs

The Institute of Management Accountants will meet at Tommy’s Inn, Route 537, Millstone, Jan. 12 for a tax update. Future meetings will be held Feb. 9, when the discussion will be on Excel skills, and March 9, when the topic will be “Hand-held Computer technology.” For more information, call Peggy or Joe, (732) 683-2382.

Monmouth Legal Secretaries Association will hold its 52nd anniversary meeting Jan. 6 at 6:30 p.m. at the Old Country Buffet, Route 9 north, Freehold Township. All are welcome to attend. For details, call Rachel at (732) 578-1880.

Nominations are now being accepted through Jan. 7 for the Solid Waste Advisory Council (SWAC) Environmental Awards. The awards honor individuals and groups that have supported responsible solid waste reduction, reuse and recycling. Nomination categories include “innovator” (waste reduction), “leader” (outstanding and effective municipal recycling programs), “educator” (agency or individual that enhances communication about recycling), “student award” (student who implements a program that exhibits comprehensive environmental consciousness and results), “large business” (waste management program, which meets or exceeds expectations), and “small business” (commitment to procurement/purchasing recycled products). The awards are sponsored by the Monmouth County Board of Chosen Freeholders and SWAC. The awards dinner will be Feb. 17.

For more information, call Judy at (732) 796-9625 or 687-1556 or e-mail [email protected].