Reader dismayed by extension to developer

I read with utter disbelief the report that real estate speculator James Wassel has been granted yet another extension in his quixotic attempt to secure financing for his scheme to commercially develop public land at Sandy Hook. Five years to round up financing, and a lawsuit filed a month before his long-extended deadline gives him need to stall for another six months?

So far, neither his fund-raising efforts nor his excuses for being unable to raise funds seem very credible. In anticipation of yet another request for yet another extension, come June 30, I would like to offer Mr. Wassel the following as reasons to request whatever further time he may need:

• A seagull ate my financing plan.

• Project lenders grew concerned about possible implications of the looming Y3K effect

• Project investors are visible only to person wearing special 3-D Spectravision glasses.

Enough is enough. Stop the nonsense. Terminate the lease. Save Sandy Hook.

Peter H. Simpson

Lincroft section of Middletown