2005 dog, cat licenses will soon be available

Dog and cat licenses for 2005 are now available at Metuchen Borough Hall and must be purchased before Feb. 28 in order to avoid a $5 late fee. Licenses can be renewed via mail by filling out the application that will be included with the recycling schedule, or they can be purchased from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.

Licenses for 2005 can be issued for any pet whose rabies vaccination expires after Nov. 30, 2005. Pets whose vaccinations expire before Nov. 30 must be revaccinated before a license can be issued. Pet owners are asked to check with their veterinarian to be sure it is safe to vaccinate. Any questions regarding licensing should be forwarded to the Metuchen Health Department. To apply to register a pet, call the department at (732) 632-8503.

Those who no longer own a preregistered pet for whatever reason should also contact the department.