Princeton library to host forum on immigration Jan. 31

   Princeton Public Library will host "In Pursuit of Happiness: Social and Legal Perspectives on Illegal Immigration," a public forum exploring social and legal conditions for immigrants 7 p.m. Jan. 31.
   Presented in conjunction with the Princeton Latin American Legal Defense and Education Fund, the forum will feature a panel discussion hosted by Douglas S. Massey, professor of sociology and public and international affairs at Princeton University.
   The panel will include law professor Linda S. Bosniak, attorney Ryan Stark Lilienthal and Princeton Borough merchant Raul Calvimontes. Each will speak for about 15 minutes.
   Mr. Massey’s research focuses on international migration, race and housing, discrimination, education, urban poverty and Latin America. He is the author of several books, including "Beyond Smoke and Mirrors: Mexican Immigration in an Age of Economic Integration."
   Ms. Bosniak, a professor at Rutgers School of Law in Camden, has written extensively on issues of citizenship, nationalism and human rights. She is the author of "The Citizen and the Alien: Dilemmas of Contemporary Membership," a forthcoming book from the Princeton University Press.
   An immigration attorney by practice, Mr. Lilienthal serves as area chair of the Anti-Defamation League of New Jersey. His firm routinely handles cases involving green cards, visas and family immigration.
   Mr. Calvimontes is the owner of Pelusa Travel in Princeton Borough. He emigrated from Mexico City to the United States at age 16 and established his business in Princeton in 1998. He and his wife, Rosa, are active in community affairs.
   Princeton Public Library is located at 65 Witherspoon St. in Princeton Borough. Special assistance is available for library customers with disabilities. Those with special needs should contact the library 48 hours before any program to arrange for accommodations. Call (609) 924-9529.
   More information on library programs and services is available at