Looking at how many people voted in Iraq, given all the death threats and terrorism, one has to ask what is our excuse in this country? We complain if we have to travel a few blocks to vote. In Iraq, people stood for hours. Those living in foreign countries traveled hundreds of miles to vote. Their fervor is a lesson for us.
Voting matters. In the last election in South River, I lost the machine vote by seven votes. I went ahead by 21 votes when the absentee ballots were counted. After the provisional ballots were counted, the final tally was a 26-vote victory.
I am grateful for everyone who voted. Every vote counted. I will do my best to represent the people and keep an eye on the Democratic majority.
There are no excuses not to vote. I urge all nonregistered citizens to register now. It is painless and it gives you an opportunity to be heard.
Remember — politicians pay attention to people who vote.
John M. Krenzel
South River Borough Council