Blood & platelet drive at New Egypt High School

  • The New Egypt First Aid Squad will host a blood drive Feb. 24 at the New Egypt Highs School, 117 Evergreen Road. The American Red Cross will be on hand from 2 to 8 p.m. to collect both whole blood and apheresis donations.
  • Apherisis is the collection of platelets. Platelets aid in the clotting process to prevent or stop bleeding and are transfused to cancer, burn, and trauma patients. A platelet donation is as safe and painless as a regular blood donation. Platelets only last five days after donation and cannot be frozen so donations are needed every day. The body replaces platelets quickly therefore people can donate plates as often as every 15 days. The entire platelet donation process – from donation to refreshments – takes approximately two hours.

    All donors must be 110 pounds or more and at least 17 years of age. Identification is required. Additional information and appointments may be scheduled by visiting or by calling (609) 758-8445.