Jackson Optimist Club names new officers

The Jackson Optimist Club has announced the names of the recently elected Executive Committee and Board of Directors for the upcoming year. They are Arnie Siegel, president; Joe Kienzlen, immediate past president; Vinny Rubio, president-elect; Pat Betancourt, vice president; Laura Debiak, secretary-treasurer.

Sam DePasquale, Dave Furbish and Dave Franciosi have been elected to the Board of Directors for a one-year term. Ira Blum, Barbara Arbolino and Nirmala Mirchandani have been elected to the Board of Directors for a two-year term.

The members of the Jackson Optimist Club are dedicated to serving the youth of the community. They serve as leaders, mentors and friends and volunteer their time to help youths achieve a more positive and productive life. Members sponsor many contests and events to raise money for scholarships and charities.