Photos of 2 passions: baseball and home garden

“Lex Legends” “Lex Legends” The photography of Andrea M. Tarr, West Long Branch, will be on exhibit at the Red Bank Public Library through July 28.

The exhibit will feature works from two of the photographer’s collections, “The Garden of Andrea Tarr” and “Rounding the Bases.”

“The Garden of Andrea Tarr” reflects the artist’s passion for both gardening and photography. The photographs of exotic-looking flowers, all taken in her home garden, are characterized by strong colors and an almost painterly quality. Many of her garden photographs are currently hanging in private homes throughout New Jersey.

“Crocus” “Crocus” Photographs for “Rounding the Bases” were assembled over 14 years and many miles of traveling throughout the United States, with the goal of attending a baseball game in every city with a Major League team and to see as many Minor League games and stadiums as possible along the way.

Tarr is a graphic designer and a lifelong photographer who has taught numerous classes in graphic design and digital photography. A member of the Guild of Creative Art, Shrewsbury, she founded the Graphics Workshop of the Brookdale Computer Users Group.

“Louisville Bats” “Louisville Bats” For more information, contact Tarr at (732) 229-2959.

Library hours are Monday, Wednesday and Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Tuesday, Friday and Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The library, located at 84 West Front St., is closed Saturdays for the summer.