Orchard Drive man dies of self-inflicted wound

By:Melissa Edmond
   Orchard Drive resident Henry Strauch Jr., 83, apparently killed himself with a shotgun at about 6 a.m., this morning, according to police.
   Police reported that Mr. Strauch had placed a 911 call threatening suicide with a shotgun at 6:06 a.m., Monday.
   Somerset County Prosecutor Wayne J. Forrest said the telephone call was brief and ended by Mr. Strauch. Officials trying to call Mr. Strauch back were unable to reach him.
   Police Chief Robert K. Gazaway said Hillsborough Police responded to the scene and were unable to establish communications with Mr. Strauch. Police personnel secured the perimeter of the property and evacuated neighboring homes on Orchard Drive, between Crater Road and Chamber Drive, until the Somerset County Emergency Response Team (SCERT) arrived.
   Members from SCERT ultimately entered the dwelling and found Mr. Strauch dead. They determined that Mr. Strauch had committed suicide from a self-inflicted wound.
   No one else was home at the time.
   Medical support at the scene was provided by paramedics from Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital and Hillsborough Rescue Squad Unit 79.