Changes on board for planning leaders, professionals

Maclearie says board will protect borough


Staff Writer

TINTON FALLS — One more step was taken by the new administration to

make planning issues more Tinton Falls friendly.

That is how Mayor Peter Maclearie described the changes that have transpired on the borough’s Planning Board.

“I like to think of the direction we’re taking as one which represents a more Tinton Falls-friendly board,” Maclearie said. “You hear people talking about developer-friendly boards and politicians. Having a good, cohesive board is more a borough issue. It’s a plus for the borough not for or against any developer. This board will protect the borough’s interests in land use.”

To set the changes into motion, the board reorganized last week.

In addition to several new members, there is a new chairman, vice chairman and several new professional appointments, such as a new attorney, engineer and environmental consultant.

One of the members just appointed on July 1 with Maclearie’s swearing in was named board chairman.

That new member is Joel Davies, who has served on the borough’s Zoning Board in the past.

“He’s the member who represents the trifecta of boards,” Maclearie said of Davies, who was unanimously voted in as Planning Board chairman.

“Joel [Davies] is on the Planning Board now, and was on the Zoning Board and school board in the past,” Maclearie explained. “He is going to be a real asset. I think, from the vote, it’s clear that everyone else agrees.”

Davies, an attorney, has also been involved in several borough causes and committees over the years, among them the Open Space Committee, which he served on with Maclearie.

In addition to Davies becoming chairman of the board, sitting board member Brian Perry was voted in as board vice chairman.

“We have a nice blend of old and new,” Maclearie said. “Just because I’m making a lot of changes, it doesn’t mean that I am overlooking people who have made valuable contributions. They have been recognized and will continue to serve.”

In addition to Perry, Maclearie said he opted to appoint John Buccuiero, acting administrator and public works director, to the Class II position on the board, which is filled by a borough employee. Before Bucciero, Police Chief Gerald Turning held the spot.

“John is a great guy and hard worker,” Maclearie said. “He knows this town and has an awful lot to offer. He wants to serve and I’m taking him up on it.”

Another professional who will remain with the board is planner Art Bernard.

But while Maclearie credited Planning Board Attorney Michelle Donato with doing a good job, he appointed a new attorney in the name of change.

That attorney, Dennis Collins, of Farmingdale, will step in; but Donato will stay on for another three months to wrap up old business that she is most familiar with.

Maclearie said he chose Collins because he was credited for doing a good job “cleaning up the mess in Marlboro with all of the recent planning trouble and everything else. I had spoken with the new mayor in Marlboro, who is obviously making a lot of changes there, and he said that Collins was a great asset. Others had recommended him as well. If he can do the job in Marlboro, he can definitely do it here.”

In addition to the attorney, board engineer Gregory Blash Associates, Mt. Laurel, was replaced by Remington and Vernick, Haddonfield.

The board’s traffic consultant, Harvey Yesowitz, of Harlyn Associates, will remain for 30 days. So will board secretary Danielle Sheldon.

But a new environmental consultant, Merwin Kinkade, of Veridian Environ-mental, will step in.