YWCA seeking women’s award nominations

   The YWCA Princeton is accepting nominations for Tribute to Women 2006 Awards. Selected nominees will be honored at the annual awards dinner, to be held on Wednesday, March 8, 2006, at the Hyatt Regency Princeton in West Windsor.
   Now in its 23nd year, this national YWCA awards program (formerly known as TWIN) recognizes women of excellence, from the greater Princeton community, who have made significant contributions in their professions and communities by demonstrating a high level of leadership and exceptional talent, while supporting the YWCA’s mission to eliminate racism and empower women.
   A nominee can be a professional, an elected official, an educator, a business entrepreneur or a volunteer from the public or private sectors. Most important, each nominee’s accomplishments should reflect the YWCA’s mission.
   To obtain a nomination form, or for more information about the Tribute to Women awards dinner, please visit www.ywcaprinceton.org or call (609) 497-2100, ext. 333. Nominations must be completed and postmarked by January 5, 2006, to be considered.