Attack in parking lot under investigation

Bicycle rider near Dinky station beaten by three men

By: Rachel Silverman
   Five days after a violent robbery in the parking lot behind the Wawa on University Place, police continue to investigate the crime, which landed an 18-year-old Hispanic man in the hospital Thursday.
   Princeton Township Police Capt. Mark Emann said officers are still looking for the three young men involved.
   Police describe one suspect as a tall, chunky. 15- to 16-year-old black male, wearing a black baseball cap, black shirt and blue jeans. Another they identify as a 20-year-old black male, of medium build and height, wearing blue jeans and a red shirt with white writing across the chest. The third male, also black, was also in his teens, police say.
   "The victim gave us very good clothing descriptions," Capt. Emann said. "We’re proceeding from there."
   The incident occurred between 11:15 a.m. and noon on Thursday, as the 18-year-old rode his bicycle through a Dinky commuter parking lot off Alexander Road. The victim, whose name is not being released at this time, was riding from his West Windsor home to the pick up groceries at Wawa.
   While in the parking lot, the victim was approached by the three male suspects. The men asked him for money, police said, and after receiving some change, struck the victim from behind with a baseball bat. Police said the victim was then punched and kicked, and robbed of his wallet while lying on the ground.
   "It happened in broad daylight, which is disturbing," Capt. Emann said. "There were no witnesses around — at least none have come forward."
   Police said the victim made his way to a pay phone near the Wawa, and he dialed 911 for assistance. He was transported to the Capital Health Systems’ Fuld Campus in Trenton and treated for injuries.
   Capt. Emann described the victim’s condition as "good" and confirmed that he was released from the hospital.
   Capt. Emann called the incident "a crime of opportunity," and said he did not believe any gang affiliations were involved.
   He also said that to his knowledge, this is the first violent incident in that parking lot.
   "It’s a safe area," he said. "There’s a lot of pedestrian traffic."