Internet safety topic for Plainsboro police outreach effort

By: Emily Craighead
   PLAINSBORO — The police Community Outreach and Education Unit and I-Safe will hold an Internet safety information program for parents at 7 p.m. Feb. 7. It will take place in the courtroom in the Municipal Building.
   The program is designed to help inform parents, whose children are often more technologically savvy than they are, about the dangers their children face online, and offer tips to help protect them. Topics to be covered include introduction to Internet safety, eluding Internet predators, cyber bullying awareness and family cyber-security basics.
   I-Safe is a nonprofit foundation founded in 1998 and dedicated to protecting the online experiences of youth through Internet safety education.
   Parents who wish to attend are asked to register for the program at, clicking on the calendar of events and locating the Plainsboro Training under NJ Events. Interested individuals can also call Patrolman Eric Potts at (609) 799-2333, ext. 686.