Building blocks

South River High School woodshop teacher Richard Peer (c) looks on as Allen Runnero (l) and Dominic Dezorso put the finishing touches on toys they and other students made for needy children in the borough and for kids at St. Peter’s University Medical Center, New Brunswick. About 20 pupils collaborated to make trains, cars and ride-on bikes, wrapping up the project last week.  South River High School woodshop teacher Richard Peer (c) looks on as Allen Runnero (l) and Dominic Dezorso put the finishing touches on toys they and other students made for needy children in the borough and for kids at St. Peter’s University Medical Center, New Brunswick. About 20 pupils collaborated to make trains, cars and ride-on bikes, wrapping up the project last week. PHOTOS BY SCOTT PILLING staff PHOTOS BY SCOTT PILLING staff