Seminar to address good government

Monmouth County Freeholder Theodore J. Narozanick’s annual seminar for local governmental officials will mark its 20th anniversary this month. All newly elected local officials are invited to attend.

This free seminar, which is open to all government officials in Monmouth County, will be held from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Jan. 7 in the Advanced Technology Building, second floor, at Brookdale Community College, Lincroft. Lunch will be provided.

“With all of the problems that have occurred this past year, it is worthwhile for everyone in government to get a refresher course on how to be a good public servant,”Narozanick said.

New to the schedule this year is Justice Daniel J. O’Hern, a former associate justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court, who will present the topic “Ethics in Government.”

O’Hern, a member of the state Ethics Reform Committee, recently co-authored a 270-page report to acting Gov. Richard Codey with recommendations for ethics reform in the executive branch of government.

Registration is at 8:30 a.m. and the program will begin at 9 a.m.

The schedule includes:

• Sexual harassment in the workplace, presented by lawyer Anne Covey.

• How the Monmouth County Improvement Authority can help local governments finance capital projects at a reduced rate, presented by Lawrence D. Bashe, MCIA underwriter.

• The Open Public Records Act, presented by Malcolm V. Carton, Monmouth County counsel.

• Ethics in Government, presented by Justice Daniel J. O’Hern.

• Cooperative purchasing and public contracts law, presented by Gerri C. Popkin, Monmouth County’s director of purchasing.

• What the new pay-to-play law means, presented by lawyer Matthew J. Giacobbe.

• The Community Development Block Grant Program, presented by Virginia Edwards.

• Preparing the municipal budget, presented by William Antonides, CPA.

To register or obtain additional information, contact Narozanick’s office at (732) 431-7918.