Connolly to lead township zoners again

Cingular asks to be heard at February session

By Marianne Hooker
   On Jan. 4, the Hopewell Township Zoning Board of Adjustment held a brief reorganization meeting.
   William Connolly was re-elected as board chairman by a unanimous vote.
   The board elected William Cane as vice chairman.
   Board members reappointed Robert Casey as board attorney. Zoning Officer Robert Miller was reappointed as board secretary and Anne Moore was reappointed as recording secretary.
   The board welcomed back two returning members. Peter Nichols was sworn in as an alternate member. Mr. Nichols has served on the board for several years. Frank Klapinski also was sworn in as a member. Mr. Klapinski is a former board chairman with many years of service.
   There was no other business at the Jan. 4 session. The cell tower application from Cingular Pennsylvania was postponed to next month’s meeting at the applicant’s request.