Hopewell Borough’s interconnection project is delayed

CRJ Contracting Corporation of Plainfield said delivery has been delayed by the flooding in Louisiana caused by Hurricane Katrina

By Aleen Crispino
   The interconnection between Hopewell Borough’s water supply and New Jersey American Water Company, scheduled to be completed this month, will not be operational until "sometime in February," due to a delay in the delivery of two electrical controls, Borough Engineer Dennis O’Neal reported Jan. 5.
   The contractor, CRJ Contracting Corporation of Plainfield, said delivery has been delayed by the flooding in Louisiana caused by Hurricane Katrina, according to Mr. O’Neal.
   PSE&G has agreed to provide power to the interconnection project beginning in February until the electrical controls can be delivered, he added.
   CRJ has already installed and connected all the underground piping and tested it for pressure and leakage, said Mr. O’Neal.
   The borough has signed an agreement with New Jersey American Water Company to connect to its water system to replace the water currently provided by two wells located on Burton Avenue, which will then be taken offline, said David Misiolek, director of water and sewers.
   In a letter to residents dated Sept. 30, 2005 and posted on the borough Web site, Mr. Misiolek reported that levels of radionuclides "above the federal drinking water standard" had been found in results of tests on the two wells received by Hopewell Borough Water Department in May 2005. The letter states, "NJDEP has advised us that this is not an immediate health risk."
   In an unrelated matter, Mr. Misiolek reported to council on Thursday that a leak in the borough’s water system, which he estimated at last month’s council meeting to be spewing an average of 80,000 gallons a day, had been found and repaired.
   The department hired a "professional leak finder," who discovered the leak at a dead-end fire hydrant stub, said Mr. Misiolek. The leak finder installed a valve at the hydrant and shut it off, fixing the problem without the need to excavate the road, he added.
   In light of the fact that the borough soon will be paying for a portion of its water supply, Mr. Misiolek suggested that the leak finder return for a two-day audit of the entire water system, at an estimated cost of $2,500.
   Councilman Mark Samse asked if the beginning of the spring would be the right time for the audit and Mr. Misiolek agreed. No vote was taken Jan. 5.