Montgomery school board to review bus routes, opening-closing times

By: Jake Uitti
   MONTGOMERY — The Board of Education will hold a special public meeting Tuesday on options for the district’s bus routes, as well as school opening and closing times for the upcoming 2006-2007 school year.
   The informational meeting is meant to acquaint the board and residents with transportation alternatives and what the implications will be for each option discussed.
   No action will be taken during the special meeting.
   "This is an ideal forum to learn and understand the thought process behind each route design," board President Richard Specht said. "The bus routes and school times have been important topics in our school community this past year, and they deserve to have a meeting" dedicated to them, he added.
   The meeting will be begin at 7:30 p.m. in the Upper Middle School media center. Questions and comments will be taken at the conclusion of the presentation, district Public Information Officer Anna Murphy said.
   In another matter, the board will hold a special executive session on Thursday regarding the hiring of a search consultant to aid the board’s hunt for a replacement superintendent for Dr. Stuart Schnur who will be retiring June 30.
   Action may be taken Thursday, Mr. Specht said.