Quaker Road bridge fails, causing closure

Historic span not expected to be repaired until the spring

By: Marjorie Censer
   The Quaker Road stone bridge off Route 206 is closed because one side of the stone arch culvert failed and gave way, Princeton Township Engineer Robert Kiser said.
   One ledge of the bridge has tumbled into the creek below. The township is now working with Mercer County — the owner of the bridge — and the Princeton Township Historic Preservation Commission to restore the bridge.
   "It will be restored to better than its pre-existing" condition, Mr. Kiser said.
   Township Historic Preservation Officer Christine Lewandowski said the commission passed a resolution supporting the renovation and will monitor the reconstruction.
   "We want it to look the way it did," Ms. Lewandowski said, noting that part of the roadway has fallen away, as well. "You just can’t have what’s happening out there."
   Mr. Kiser said repairs are slated for the spring.
   County Engineer Greg Sandusky was not available for comment.