
100 years ago

Washington’s Birthday was appro-priately observed in Marlboro High School, where Prof. Tiersas was the principal, and reflected much credit upon the professor and his efficient corps of teachers, Miss Clayton and Miss Lukens. The exercises were very delightful and entertaining and credibly rendered by the prepared pupils. The act “Columbia” was represented by Miss Nelly Quakenbush, who entered and was greeted by a song, “Hail Columbia,” by a chorus of girls. Columbia then responded, after which eight girls entered carrying bells. Then came a concert recitation in which each answered to questions by some of the pupils and told of important events in Washington’s life that the bell she represented rang for. After another song by the chorus, a company of boys entered carrying guns and gave a military drill which was followed by a song by the boys to the tune of “Yankee Doodle,” then they took a position at the side of the stage on guard, after saluting the flag. This was followed by the hatchet brigade who entered each carrying a small hatchet as a badge; after a recitation came a song. They were followed by a number of the primary classes acrostic “Washington.” As each named her letter a pupil gave a question with the letter after which they retired. Six girls gave a pantomime “America.” This was well received. There was a solo and chorus, “Down in Old Virginia,” which closed the program, which lasted from 2-4 p.m. The school building was filled to its utmost capacity and handsomely decorated with the national colors and wreaths of laurel and pine.

When Thomas C. Burk’s application for a saloon license came up before John E. Foster Wednesday, A.J.C. Stokes presented a statistical table, prepared for the purpose of showing the number of licensed places in the various townships and municipalities in the county, and Freehold having comparatively less saloons and hotels than the others. According to the table prepared by Mr. Stokes, Freehold has an average population of 692 persons for every licensed drinking place, while the other townships and municipalities range down to an average population of 215 for each drinking resort. The application was refused by the judge.

75 years ago

The Monmouth County Fireman’s Association does not care so much for newspaper publicity. So much did it resent it in the case of the one story which emanated from that organization that at its monthly meeting at Mon-mouth Beach last Sunday, it voted unanimously to bar newspapermen from meetings in the future unless they become subservient to the dictates of the committee chairman, and withheld such news he did not care to have published. The action grew out of a story said to have been published in a shore paper after a specific request that it be withheld. The article dealt with an investigation being conducted into the affairs of the state home at Boonton by a committee of the association. Meanwhile, Jacob Schwark of the investigating committee asked another month in which to prepare the report on the committee’s findings, and this was granted. The request was seen by some as a move to “stall” the investigation while others present took the view that the charges the association hoped to bring against the superintendent of the home had fallen through.

The phantom of last year’s athletic deficit loomed up again at the meeting of the Freehold Board of Education here last week, and there is a possibility that baseball may be abandoned this year in the interest of economy. At a previous meeting the board granted Coach H. John Witman authority to go ahead with his baseball schedule, provided no deficit would be incurred. At the same time, Roy W. Mauer, athletic director, was ordered to abandon his track activities and the appropriation formerly used for that sport was turned over to baseball. On Friday night, however, a report from Witman and Miss Lanier, high school principal, was presented to the board, and estimated receipts and expenditures for baseball showed that even with the greatest economizing, there would be a deficit of at least $58.90 for the season with the present appropriation. “We can’t make a definite guarantee that no deficit will be incurred,” the report read. “ Expenses shown in this report are only those that are absolutely imperative, and no allowance is made for the possible injury to players or other extra unforeseen expenses.”

50 years ago

The Freehold Regional High School Board of Education last week amended its policy on the “privileges” of married students. The amendment asked that “all students contemplating marriage to make their plans known to the school administration in order to determine their future status in the school.” The policy, which was adopted a year ago (July 1955), states, “extracurricular activities or activities over and beyond requirements for graduation shall not be a right automatically given to each student, but rather a privilege to be enjoyed by those who abide by rules and regulations and act in accordance with the best interests of the school. The superintendent may, if he deems it proper, deny participation in any or all extra-curricular activities, or take such other action as he deems proper in cases where married students’ [participation is determined] to be detrimental to the best interests of the school, or when it appears to be in the best interests of the student himself or other students.”

— Compiled by Dick Metzgar