
100 years ago

The annual educational tour to Washington, D.C., has been announced by the state Executive Committee of the Young Men’s Christian Association of New Jersey. The party will be limited to boys over 14. They will leave Monday, April 16 via the Old Dominion Steam-boat Line to Old Point Comfort, where they will visit Fortress Monroe, Hamp-ton Institute and Soldiers’ Home. From here the trip will be by boat via Hampton Roads, Chesapeake Bay and the historical Potomac River. Three days will be spent in Washington. While there Pres-ident Theodore Roosevelt will meet the boys at the White House and the old veteran will give a talk on historic incidents which have taken place in the executive mansion. Several others have consented to give practical talks each morning on the various departments. Side trips will be taken to Mount Vernon, Alexandria and Arlington, and a special car or automobile will be charted to take the boys on a sight-seeing trip of the city. The party will return on Friday, April 20. More than 800 miles will be traveled in the five days.

Petitions for the repeal of the law taxing denaturalized alcohol are being forwarded to Washington, D.C., by Granges and other farmers’ organizations throughout the country. This is the way a grange writer puts the case. A gallon of alcohol suitable for industrial (use) can be made for ten cents and is taxed at $2.07, while a gallon of alcohol at half the strength, used for booze purposes, pays but $1.10 tax per gallon, and because of the general wretchedness, crime and misery engendered by the latter’s use in the country, our people have overlooked the farmer’s right to the privilege of working up the waste product of his farm, such as cull potatoes for present market requirements, into valuable raw material for industrial purposes. Our war should not be against alcohol or the proper use of it. We have no quarrel with the man who wishes alcohol for pickle snakes, light his house to manufacture hats, shoes, dye stuffs, shellacs, finish for pianos and organs, and a thousand things which enter the manufactures of everyday life.

75 years ago

Work has already begun on the new $2,000,000 yeast manufacturing plant of the Anheuser-Busch Company of Old Bridge, which will probably be ready for production by May 1. Between 400 and 500 men will be employed by the new plant, which will have a daily output of approximately 100,000 pounds of yeast, and which is destined eventually to supply the entire needs of the eastern territory of the company. The newest unit of the Anheuser-Busch organization will be managed by Adolphus Busch III, vice president of the corporation, which has its headquarters in St. Louis. He will continue to reside in that city, but will make frequent trips here and will remain in close touch with the factory. Under the present plans, the plant will include one large building, seven or eight stories high, with supplementary structures to care for garaging, power and other needs incidental to the manufacture of yeast. The main building will be a fireproof structure and will be trimmed in red brick.

William Steele and Sons Company, engineers and constructors, of

Philadelphia, Pa., were awarded another contract last Friday by A&M Karagheusian Inc. for another addition to the rug mill in Freehold. This addition is to be approximately 86 by 87 feet, with fire tower, 10 by 34 feet. It will be constructed three stories in height with provisions made by adding two floors in the future. This five-story addition was planned for when the large five-story addition was built in 1929, and the walls on the west side of that addition were only built as temporary walls, as these walls will be removed when this new addition is built. This new addition will extend from the temporary walls on the west side of the addition built in 1929, and will extend west to Jackson Street. The foundation and concrete columns will be built as for a five-story building, but only three stories will be constructed at this time. This will add 23,100 additional square feet of floor space to the existing plant. Construction of the building will be fireproof throughout and exactly the same type of construction as the five-story unit built in 1929, of which the new structure will be a part.

50 years ago

The Freehold Transcript believes that what happened at Monday night’s meeting of the Freehold Borough Mayor and Council indicates, unfortunately, that Mayor Barton Callahan was more interested in criticizing the editorial policy of this newspaper and the so-called “alleged” Republican leanings than he is in fulfilling his duties on behalf of good nonpartisan government for the Borough of Freehold. Councilman Harry Sagotsky also had a few choice words to say about the “hillbilly Republicans” Transcript, among which was his statement that this newspaper prints a “fraction of the truth.” We have had examples in the past of situations created when members of the governing body lost their sense of decorum and in their anger resorted to criticism of the press and all those who did not agree with them.

25 years ago

The threatened pullout from the Manasquan River Regional Sewerage Authority by the Freehold Township Committee could be only the beginning of the end for the 9-year-old sewerage authority. “If what I’m learning is correct,” MRRSA Chairman Ralph Mus-grave said, “I understand that Howell and Farmingdale will be doing the same thing.” The Freehold Township Commit-tee Monday night is expected to pass a resolution that it will withdraw from the MRRSA if it is told to send its sewage to the Ocean County Sewage Authority plant in Brick. Original plans had called for the MRRSA to build its own plant in Wall. The MRRSA is supposed to provide sewer service in Freehold Township, Freehold Borough, Howell, Farmingdale and Wall. Construction of facilities has been delayed on several occasions.

— Compiled by Dick Metzgar