Flower power

Lawrence groups, from kids to seniors, join forces to raise awareness about alcohol-realted issues this month.

   MOMS Club members, the Lawrence Drug and Alcohol Alliance and Lawrence senior citizens joined forced to plant red tulips at the Lawrence Senior Center on Darrah Lane in October to commemorate Red Ribbon Month. For April, the blooms serve as a reminder for Alcohol Awareness Month. Pictured above are: seated from left, Russell Knab, 4, Justin Knab, 2, Carter Hlewicki, 3, Christian Hlewicki,6; kneeling, Michele Hlewicki of the Drug and Alcohol Alliance; and standing from left, MOMS Club president Laurie Knab, holding son Alexander, 2 months, Catherine Sapp, Rose Scozzalri, township Office on Aging Executive Director Lillian LaSalle, Kay Palazey, and Mary Ostrowski.