Marlboro slates trip to ‘Tarzan,’ senior activities

Marlboro Recreation has scheduled the following events for Marlboro senior citizens.

Blood pressure screenings July 12 and cholesterol screenings July 27, both at the recreation center. Call (732) 617-0100 for an appointment.

A sing-along barbecue will be held at the Marlboro Aquatic Center 2:45-5 p.m. July 19. The cost is $3 and includes food and entertainment.

Grandparents Day will be celebrated at the Marlboro Aquatic Center for seniors and their grandchildren 2:45-4 p.m. July 14. The cost is $3 per family; refreshments will be served.

Ice Cream Day is Aug. 4 from 2:45 to 4 p.m.; the cost is $3 per family.

Registration is required for all events; call (732) 617-0100.

In addition, Marlboro Recreation is sponsoring two trips to New York City to see “Tarzan” on Broadway, Aug. 23 and Sept. 27. The trips are open to the general public. The price is $127 per person and includes orchestra seating, lunch at Etcetera Etcetera, and bus transportation. The bus will leave Marlboro Mall on Route 79 and School Road West at 9:30 a.m. and return at approximately 7 p.m. Call (732) 617-0100 for details.