Local Student Attends Presidential Program

Stephen Fung, a student at High Technology High School, Morganville, attended the Presidential Classroom’s National Security Program July 15-22.

Participants explored the role the government, military and private sector play in planning and executing defense and homeland security policy.

The National Security in a Democ-racy Program offers students an in-depth look at the national security process, from diplomacy to securing peace after conflict. The program investigates the chain of command and coordination of intelligence gathering and policing from all agencies.

During the weeklong program, students interacted with Washington insiders including members of Congress, presidential appointees, senior military officials, top business leaders and journalists. Students observed the US Congress in action, visited their congressional offices and debated current issues with peers from the United States and abroad.

Presidential Classroom seeks exceptional high school juniors or seniors who are involved with their community and school with a minimum 3.0 grade point average. PC’s mission is to prepare young leaders for responsible citizenship and provide the opportunity to explore the political process firsthand.