Water conservation efforts remain a New Jersey priority

On May 8, New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection Com-missioner Lisa Jackson declared a drought watch for the entire state of New Jersey. That watch is still in effect as precipitation, stream flow and ground water levels remain below normal.

Stream flows are still severely dry and precipitation and ground water levels are moderately dry. Voluntary water conservation is needed now to avoid the need for mandatory water restrictions during the summer high seasonal demand period.

These conservation measures can be easily implemented by all residents:

+ Limit lawn watering to twice a week in the morning or evening.

+ Water landscaping by hand as needed.

+ Fix leaking faucets and pipes, and turn off faucets while brushing teeth or shaving.

+ Install water-saving faucets and shower heads.

+ Use a broom to sweep sidewalks instead of using the hose.

+ Use mulch to conserve water in the garden.

+ Find more water conservation ideas at: www.njdrought.org/ideas.html.

Water conservation is important for all residents, those with private wells and those with public water. The Howell Environmental Commission urges all residents to conserve water during the current drought watch. Better yet, put water conservation measures into practice and make them part of your everyday life at all times.

Geoffrey Pritchard


Environmental Commission
