Marlboro mayor should have protected residents from cell tower

The issue of what will be-come of the Cotton Tail Farm property, which is situated in front of Prides Crossing, is still in litigation and from what the residents of Prides Crossing know is headed to the Supreme Court in New Jersey.

Mayor Robert Kleinberg, who consistently claims he is out for the best interest of the residents of Marlboro, continues to spend the money of its taxpayers by tying up such matters endlessly within the court system.

This property was originally zoned for commercial use and then Mr. Meiterman (the developer) was able to have it rezoned for residential use.

Mayor Kleinberg is obviously not in agreement with the rezoning of this property, and when the residents of Prides Crossing thought that this matter was all said and done, Mayor Kleinberg thought otherwise.

Recently I was mailing a letter at the mailbox on the upper level of the Exclusive Plaza shopping center on Union Hill Road and noticed that a huge tower was in the process of being erected in the lower level of the Union Hill bus stop-parking facility.

To say that I was caught off-guard by this immense structure is a grave understatement. At first I could not imagine what this tower was and why it seemed to just appear from out of nowhere.

Than it dawned upon me that this was in fact a brand new cell phone tower which was being erected in our backyard. Work on this tower is just about completed and it will soon, I am sure, be in full operational status.

The residents of Prides Cros-sing are all shaking their heads and trying to figure out how none of us were ever made aware that such a structure was going to be erected in our backyard.

How Mayor Kleinberg, who claims to be out for the best interests of the residents of Marlboro, could allow such a thing to happen without the residents of Prides Crossing having prior knowledge of such a project is beyond all of us.

The residents of Prides Cros-sing are concerned about the safety and health implications of such a structure, yet there is obviously little that we can do about it now. One only has to look above our tree line to see this monstrosity scraping what was once our beautiful and natural skyline.

I wonder if Mayor Kleinberg would have allowed this cell phone tower to have been erected in his backyard.

Yet isn’t it interesting that Mayor Kleinberg continues to fight the final decision on what will become of the Cotton Tail Farm property (once again at the cost of the taxpayers in Marlboro), yet he obviously has had little interest for the concerns of the residents of Prides Crossing by allowing such a structure to be erected in our backyard.

Stuart Gleich
