Freehold needs to rally against absentee landlords

The News Transcript did the citizens of Freehold Borough a great service by putting us on the front page of the July 26 edition. The article was in reference to Michael Lefkovits and his attempt to gain a permit which would allow him to go door to door trying to get people to sell their homes.

Every reader needs to see that slumlords are not welcome in Freehold Borough. This is evident by not only the residents’ views, but also by the strong message our mayor and Borough Council are getting out.

Freehold Borough is a great town to live in. There are many of us who are dedicated to seeing our town progress in a positive direction. Absentee landlords, who do not care who they rent to, or what happens on their property, do not fit in with the future of Freehold.

Our town has taken a couple of hits in recent years, but this town is going in the right direction.

We all need to thank the News Transcript for helping to highlight this. We also need to thank Mayor Michael Wilson and the Borough Council for looking out for the best interests of our town. They have fought an uphill battle and are doing a fine job.

Brian Sullivan

Freehold Borough