Mayor Mark Seda of Jackson should be ashamed of himself for accepting a salary of $29,500 a year. Let me clarify that … his salary package totals $45,000, which includes his health benefits. And all of this for a part-time mayor who spends more time in New York with his own business than here in Jackson.
The Jackson Township Council, as well, should also share the same for voting unanimously to approve the salary increase for the mayor. The increase was voted upon at a recent council meeting.
Mayor Seda, who became mayor only this past July, has given Jackson residents the largest tax increase in history – a whopping $6.7 million, and to add insult to injury, Mayor Seda has been granted a 316 percent increase in salary.
Mayor Seda knew the responsibilities and the salary of the position of mayor before he took office. He came into the position of mayor with an annual salary of $9,337 per year. How, in six months, can he or the council justify that kind of salary increase?
Attempting to justify the increase for the mayor, Jackson Business Adminis-trator William Santos gave a litany of reasons. Mr. Santos, who has hungrily fed at the public trough in state, county and municipal positions for years, was there to defend Mayor Seda who, after all, is his boss. And, conveniently enough, Mayor Seda granted Mr. Santos $17,500 over and above the salary of the previous administrator, bringing his salary to $132,514.
Gerald Gross