Where is guarantee that rail line will not cause home value to drop?

This is in response to Daniel Green’s letter to the editor regarding the proposed Monmouth-Ocean-Middlesex passenger rail line (“Middlesex Freeholder Wrong on MOM Rail Line,” News Transcript, June 13).

I live in Monroe Township, Middlesex County, and my property runs alongside the rail line.

In Mr. Green’s letter, he claims Middlesex County Free-holder Director David B. Crabiel’s opposition is in part “rooted in ignorance of additional vital information” concerning the “myth” that local real estate values will drop.

If Mr. Green would like to personally guarantee in writing that he would make up any loss I may incur if and when I sell my house for a sum that might be below the average selling price in my neighborhood should the MOM line exist, I’ll be glad to support his idea.

However, of the more than 700,000 people living in Middle-sex County, I wonder just how many would need this rail line. Sounds like another political boondoggle in the making.

Perhaps Mr. Green should realize that Middlesex County does not want the MOM line and he should not be so interested in ramming his ideas down the throats of those who do not agree with him.

Richard Krenzel

Monroe Township