Candidate’s plan makes sense to resident

The lack of action at the federal level on illegal immigration has forced local elected officials to confront this important issue.

I would like to applaud Monmouth County sheriff candidate Kim Guadagno’s plan to authorize correctional officers inside the county jail with the power to check an inmate’s immigration status.

This is a positive step in the right direction. If an illegal individual commits a crime and is convicted, this person would serve their time and be put back into the community.

Under Kim’s plan, correctional officers at the Monmouth County jail would be able to check the immigration status of every inmate.

Once illegal aliens are discovered, they would be transferred into federal custody to serve out the remainder of their prison term, after which time they would be deported.

This plan will save the taxpayers of Monmouth County money and increase security for our residents. If this were done by every sheriff’s office in New Jersey and throughout the United States, the impact and results would be immediate and significant.

I applaud sheriff candidate Kim Guadagno for combating illegal immigration and for her common sense plan for Monmouth County. She has earned my vote this November.

Alan E. Ginsberg
