HoVal Schools Update

Items of interest to parents of Hopewell Valley Regional School District students.

   —Toll Gate PTO looking for new webmaster — Not sure where to volunteer for the Toll Gate PTO? Managing their Web site may be it. Managing tollgatepto.org involves one in all the aspects of PTO activities throughout the year. Parents look to the site for parent council information, details about fundraisers, PTO meeting notes, budget information and newsletters, flyers and forms. With its built-in editor and publishing system, only limited knowledge of html is needed. Contact PTO President Cathy Green at 737-2705 or [email protected] for more information.
   — Want to honor a teacher? — Is there a teacher who has made a difference in the life of your child? Perhaps a teacher, who was especially loved by your son or daughter, is retiring this year.
   If there is such a teacher in your child’s life, the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation would like to invite you to make a donation to the foundation in honor of the teacher.
   Contributions in any amount are welcome.
   The Hopewell Valley Education Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)3 tax exempt organization whose mission is to develop supporting connections between members of the community and programs that benefit the students of the Hopewell Valley Regional School District. Contributions to the foundation are tax-deductible.
   To make a contribution, send a check to the Hopewell Valley Education Foundation, P.O. Box 553, Pennington, 08534, visit: [email protected], or the HVRSD home page’s Education Foundation link: www.hvrsd.k12.nj.us.
   — YMCA Child Care — YMCARE offers child care to children in kindergarten-eighth grade, AM Kindergarten Care (8:30-noon) and PM Kindergarten Care (noon-3:30 or noon-6). Kindergarten programs meet at the United Methodist Church.
   YMCARE offers after school care for children in kindergarten-fifth grade from 3:30-6 p.m. at Bear Tavern, Hopewell, Stony Brook and Toll Gate. Early dismissal and vacation day coverage is available.
   The program also offers after school care at Timberlane Middle School from 2:45-6 p.m. The program is open to children in sixth-eighth grade. Early dismissal coverage is available.
   The YMCA Early Learning Center (ELC) offers full and part time care for children 2½-5 and is guided by an age-appropriate curriculum developed by The Creative Curriculum for Preschool. For more information, call 737-3048. Program space is limited.
   — The Hopewell Valley After School Program offers Before and After School Care to all students attending any of the Hopewell Valley Regional School District elementary schools. The program also offers a Kindergarten Enrichment Program at the Main Office on Main Street in Pennington with transportation available from all elementary sites. Registration for the 2007-2008 school year is available. Call 730-1311 or visit: HVASP.com for information or registration forms.