SCOTT FRIEDMAN Ann Marie Rademacher-Simmons of Milltown holds a copy of the Sentinel from September 1957, recently unearthed in a time capsule at Our Lady of Lourdes School. The lead story was about forming a full-time police force in East Brunswick, which had been done in 1954 but was abolished the following year. After litigation and referendums, it went full time again in 1960. For more on the time capsule, see page 34. SCOTT FRIEDMAN Ann Marie Rademacher-Simmons of Milltown holds a copy of the Sentinel from September 1957, recently unearthed in a time capsule at Our Lady of Lourdes School. The lead story was about forming a full-time police force in East Brunswick, which had been done in 1954 but was abolished the following year. After litigation and referendums, it went full time again in 1960. For more on the time capsule, see page 34.