EDISON – The township’s Web site recently underwent a redesign aimed at enhancing ease of use for its visitors. It is the first major change to the Web site since it was first launched in 1997.
According to township spokesman Jerry Barca, the changes in the Web site were about nine months in the making, with a committee of about a half dozen people researching the Web sites of other municipalities in order to get a feel for what was needed.
Another goal behind the Web site’s redesign was the creation of a unique aesthetic for the township, allowing visitors to grasp a vision that would be uniquely Edison, Barca said.
“We … looked into having a visual identity for the township that people could identify with,” he said, “that this is Edison, this is my town, or this is a town that I want to do business in, or this is a town that I’m looking to move into.”
He said that to this end, the Web site features a set of rotating pictures of various sites in the town that will change depending on the season.
On a more practical level, the new Web site also features a drop-down menu system that helps people get to where they want to be, with a minimum of having to navigate page after page to get there. Additional services are also available, such as online access to forms and the ability to pay traffic tickets online.
Barca said there are plans to add other features in the future.
The Web site was designed by Govoffice, a company that specializes in government offices. The purchase order was made in April, and the total cost of the project came to $11,570.
Edison Mayor Jun Choi said he likes the new Web site, noting that in today’s age, it is a necessity for any local government.
“This Web site is something the township can be proud of,” said Choi. “It is a critical vehicle to open up Edison government. In the fast-paced digital world we live in, we will work to make continual upgrades that will increase the interactive features on the site.”