Voter-registration drive scheduled at library

The East Brunswick Public Library, Jean Walling Civic Center, will hold a voterregistration drive from Jan. 8-15.

All eligible New Jersey residents who are as yet unregistered are encouraged to visit the library to sign up, especially if they want to take part in the state’s upcoming primary election. Now that the Legislature has moved the state’s presidential primary from June to February, the deadline to register to vote in the primary is Jan. 15.

Tables will be set up near the library entrance to facilitate easy registration during the drive. Once voters are registered, they may choose a party affiliation. Only those who have specified a party affiliation may vote in that party’s primary. Primary elections are set for Feb. 5. The library will continue to offer voter registration throughout the year for the general presidential election, Nov. 4, 2008. All registered voters may vote in the presidential election, regardless of whether or not they have indicated a party preference. For more information, log on to or call (732) 390-6767.