Architect’s contract amended for town hall improvements

MARLBORO – The Township Council approved an amended contract with Arcari and Iovino Architects on Jan. 17 in the amount of $86,750 for the firm’s work on an addition to TownHall. The original contract that was approved in 2006 was for $65,000.

At the council’s finalmeeting of 2007 the resolution proposing the amended contract was tabled after council members questioned the increase. At that time the resolution sought to amend the architect’s contract to an amount not to exceed $91,750.

Municipal officials said the increase in the contract amount is to cover two change orders that were approved by the council in 2006, which totaled $11,750, bringing the total contract amount up to $76,750. An extra $10,000 for past and future services was added to bring the final amended amount to $86,750.

Council President Jeff Cantor questioned the amounts at the meeting in 2007 and requested that an explanation be provided for them. Cantor said at the Jan. 17 meeting that he had not been present when the initial changes orders were approved.

Issues have cropped up since construction on the Town Hall addition started.

Anthony Iovino, one of the architects, appeared before the council on Jan. 17 and explained that during the excavation process two unmarked utility lineswere discovered – one 4-inch conduit for the telephone/ 911 lines and one 4-inch main electrical service line.

Iovino said neither line had been marked on survey data.

The unearthing of the two utility lines caused work to stop as a plan for safe progress was made, Iovino explained in a letter to the township. The electrical line was rerouted around the footprint of the planned excavation.

When it was determined that the telephone line did not create a hazard of any type it remained where it was. Iovino said in his letter that the situation caused a delay of about three weeks.

During the project when the contractor removed the exterior of a section of Town Hall it was suggested that the steel frame be kept in place, which would result in a credit to Marlboro.

The decision wasmade to keep the steel frame, given the reduced risk to damaging the utilities and the probable credit, Iovino’s letter states, noting that this caused a redesign of the structural system and related foundation. The contractor offered a credit of $5,142 to Marlboro.

The completion of the project now remains dependent upon weather conditions. Substantial completion is expected to be in late May.

Mayor JonathanHornik told Iovino that the additional $10,000 he was receiving now should include everything needed to finish the job. He told the architect not to expect any more money for the project.

– Rebecca Morton