Grants for traditional folk arts apprenticeships available

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts (NJSCA) announces the availability of guidelines and applications for its 2008-2009 Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program ( The deadline for submission of applications is April 4.

Workshops led by NJSCAstaff intended to furnish prospective applicants with technical assistance and guidancewill be offered in various locations around the state.

“This state is home to 144 ethnic groups whose traditional arts are valued ways of expressing identity, strengthening group ties and enriching the larger community around us,” saidNJSCAChairwoman Carol Ann Herbert.

“Support for these traditional arts preserves important authentic cultural traditions, nurtures artists and celebrates what it means to live in New Jersey, a state that embraces diversity,” she said.

Folk arts apprenticeships support the traditional arts and crafts of New Jersey’s many different cultural communities, helping talented apprentice artists further hone their skills by working directly with a master artist of a shared community.

Over the last 10 years, the council’s Folk Arts Apprenticeship Program has assisted more than a hundred artists who comprise a fascinating spectrum of traditional arts and crafts. Some of these cultural apprenticeships have included Filipino, Native American, Ukrainian, New Jersey’s Pinelands region, Japanese,AfricanAmerican, Puerto Rican and many other forms of art.

Apprentices may request up to $3,000 to support an intensive regimen of study with a master artist for up to 12 months.

The application process requires that each interested folk arts apprentice apply with a master artist as a team by providing comprehensive, detailed information of their shared artistic cultural backgrounds and their planned scope of work together.

For information on the technical assistance workshop schedule visit folklife.asp.

To reserve a space at a workshop, contact the council at (609) 292-6130. All workshop sites are accessible to persons with disabilities. Those in need of special assistance should call the council office two weeks prior to the workshop date at (609) 292-6130 or (609) 633-1186 (TTY).

The New Jersey State Council on the Arts is a division of the New Jersey Department of State. Further information regarding the arts is found on an interactive Internet Web site ( and available on a toll-free hot line (1-800 THE ARTS).