Feb. 16 Women’s Expo in Toms River will include poker tournament for ladies

Ladies can ante up at the Women’s Only Texas Hold’em Poker Tournament during the seventh annual Women’s Expo 2008 to be held Feb. 16 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Poland Springs Arena in the Ritacco Center, 1245 Old Freehold Road, Toms River.

In addition to the poker tournament, the expo will feature exhibits, celebrities, demonstrations and the latest in fashion, electronics, finance, health and new product launches of interest to women whether they are working or staying at home.

Contestants for the Women’s Only Texas Hold’em Tournament can sign up online at WJRZ-FM’s Web site, www.wjrz.com. Forty players will be chosen at random and another 10 contestants’ names will be drawn the morning of the expo to compete for prizes, including the Women’s Expo Texas Hold’em bracelet. For more information call (609) 597-1101.