Office development unwelcome in WW

Peter and Helen Shriver of West Windsor
    Here are some thoughts on the recent mailing by InterCap Holdings trying to develop our town, which we address to them:
   I have been a resident of West Windsor for 18 years. I moved here with my family to get away from the congestion of northern New Jersey. I have no interest in your office development or in seeing apartments go up at the train station.
   I commute to NYC each day and I already fight for a seat on the train. We need less people in West Windsor, not more. I’d suggest that you donate your land for open space so we can breath easier and have less traffic and less pollution in the town not more from additional development.
   It makes no sense to develop the town further by adding office development that does nothing for the current residents of West Windsor except have a negative impact on the quality of life in the town and only adds profits to the pockets of developers like InterCap.
Peter and Helen Shriver
Evans Drive
West Windsor