Singers sought for Fame Game

Move over, American Idol. New Jersey Fame Game, a statewide singing competition to benefit Prevent Child Abuse- NJ (PCA- NJ), is open to all students between the ages of 6 and 22 who live in or attend school inNew Jersey. The contest gives participants the opportunity to have fun and showcase their singing talents while giving a voice to children in need.

PCA- NJ was founded in 1979 to eliminate all forms of child abuse and neglect for New Jersey’s children. An affiliate of Prevent Child Abuse America, PCA- NJ establishes local partnerships to build communities, strengthen families and empower parents through parenting programs, education and training, advocacy and public awareness activities.

New Jersey Fame Game gives students at the elementary, middle, high school and college levels the opportunity to compete with their peers. To participate, students must submit a one-minute a cappella audition video bymail or e-mail.All entries will be evaluated to determine finalists for each age category.

Finalists will be invited to perform in a live event to be held onApril 27 at TheMill at Spring LakeHeights.Apanel of celebrity judges and the audience will determine the winner for each category. Winners will be awarded scholarship money.

There is a $10 entry fee and no limit to the number of entries each participantmay submit.

The deadline for entries is March 14. Details, rules and entry forms are available at www.njfamegame.comor by calling (609) 919-9292, ext. 212. For more information about Prevent Child Abuse- New Jersey visit