Correcting reference to traffic law

James S. Beslity of Princeton
    I would like to point out an error made by Richard Glazer in his letter, “Johnson Park traffic safety” (The Packet, Feb. 26), regarding the intersection of the Johnson Park School driveway (Gen. Johnson Drive) and Rosedale Road. He claimed that passing using the right-hand turn lane on Rosedale is legal and cited the following New Jersey traffic law from the 1999 New Jersey Driver Manual regarding passing to prove his claim:
   ”In most cases you pass on the left. You may pass on the right on roads with more than one lane going in the same direction if vehicles on the roadway are moving in two or more substantially continuous lines, or when the driver ahead is making a left turn and there is room to pass. Do not pass on the right shoulder of the road. This is against the law. (NJ.S.A.. 39:4-85)”
   The most recent publication of the New Jersey Driving Manual, last updated in January of this year, includes the exact same law, but goes on to say:
   ”A motorist should never pass:
   1. On a hill or curve or at any time he/she cannot see far enough ahead.
   2. At a street crossing or intersection.
   3. At a railroad crossing.
   4. On narrow bridges or in underpasses or tunnels.
   5. When a sign prohibits passing or center lines restrict passing.
   6. When behind a vehicle that has stopped to let a pedestrian cross.”
   Those who pass on the right at the Johnson Park and Rosdale Road intersection are violating number two, number five (there is a sign at the intersection that states “Right Lane Must Turn Right”), and quite possible number six of the above passing rules in the 2008 New Jersey Driver Manual.
   It looks like someone needs to read up on current NJ traffic laws.
James S. Beslity
Greenway Terrace