By Katie Wagner, Staff Writer
MONTGOMERY — The Planning Board adopted a resolution this week memorializing its decision made in July to allow Sharbell Development Corp. to receive an early start permit for construction of a recreation building with a parking lot for Tapestry of Montgomery, a multi-faceted development project that received preliminary approval from the board in November 2003.
The early start permit for the 8,000-square-foot clubhouse and parking lot would allow the developer to begin building prior to completing the onsite and public improvements that typically must be completed before beginning construction, such as underground utilities, streets, curbs and a sanitary sewer pump station. Under the early start permit the applicant would still be required to complete stormwater control measures, basins (excluding bioretention facilities) and stormwater outlet pipes and structures in advance of construction.
Tapestry of Montgomery is to be located on a 130-acre parcel zoned for age-restricted housing just north of Route 518 and west of Route 206. In addition to the recreation building/clubhouse, the development will include 218 residential units — 180 detached, single-family homes and 38 duplexes; a 120-bed assisted-living facility; a medical office building; a community swimming pool, patio, and two tennis courts; and pedestrian and bicycle pathways.
The clubhouse and 106 of the age-restricted units, including the 38 duplexes and 68 single-family homes, have already received final site plan approval from the board.
Sharbell will also be receiving early start permits for the construction of up to 10 model homes and 20 “for sale” homes, subject to the same conditions as the clubhouse. The Township Committee entered into an agreement with the developer to issue these 30 early-start permits on June 27.
Thomas Troy, senior vice president of Sharbell, said his company has already submitted three or four applications for early start-permits to the township, one for the clubhouse and the other three for model homes.
”My hope is that within a few weeks we will be able to begin vertical construction on our model homes, clubhouse and on any other houses we receive permits to build, “ Mr. Troy said. “Our goal is to start as soon as possible.
”We’ve been telling our first buyers we believe within the next 12 to15 months we’ll be bringing them in.”
Mr. Troy added that contracts for about a dozen of the Tapestry homes have been signed and that Sharbell has received another 24 or 25 deposits, many from potential homeowners in the contract and negotiation stage.