Watershed group sets Earth Day meeting

The Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership will hold its next meeting at 7 p.m. on Earth Day, April 22, at the EARTH Center, Davidsons Mill Park, 42 Riva Ave., South Brunswick.

Guest speaker Professor William T. Hlubik, an agricultural and resourcemanagement agent andMiddlesex County Extension Service Department head, will offer a presentation titled “Earth-Wise Lawn and Landscape Care.” Hlubik is conducting research on low-maintenance lawn grasses that thrive with less fertilizers and pesticides.

The meeting will follow the Earth Day event set for 4-7 p.m. at the EARTH Center.

For more information and directions, call Alan Godber at (732) 846-4476, the LBWP headquarters at (732) 249-5297, or log on to www.lbwp.org.

The Lawrence Brook Watershed Partnership is a nonprofit organization serving the environmental interests of East Brunswick, Milltown, South Brunswick, North Brunswick and New Brunswick.