Night at the Races to fight cystic fibrosis

A Night at the Races Gift Auction to benefit the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and 3-year-old Anthony Silvestri of Old Bridge and others who are battling cystic fibrosis, a progressive and life-threatening lung and gastrointestinal disease, is set for 7 p.m. on May 9 at Sayreville Veterans of Foreign Wars, Jernee Mill Road. Post time will be 7:30 p.m.

The event will feature the races, a pasta dinner, coffee, dessert, music, a cash bar, a 50/50 and more.

Prizes will include four one-day Hopper Passes toWalt DisneyWorld, Orlando, Fla., and a luxury home gym.

Tickets cost $25 per person, advance sale only.

For more information and to reserve, call Kerryann at (732) 583-8742.