West Amwell wants fair volunteers to be accountable for money

By Linda Seida, Staff Writer
   WEST AMWELL — A proposal to establish terms and financial accountability on the Country Fair Committee has insulted volunteers, who say there has never been a hint of impropriety over their budget.
   ”This is my 10th year, and I was never asked for accountability before,” volunteer Tom Molnar told the Township Committee last week. “It’s sort of a slap in the face.”
   Volunteer Robert Tomenchok Jr. wrote in a letter to township officials that he “cannot help but feel a little slighted.” He urged officials to “tread lightly on the feelings of volunteers.”
   Because Mr. Tomenchok could not attend the meeting, Mr. Molnar read his letter to the Township Committee.
   The ad hoc committee has put together the township’s annual fair since 1996, according to volunteer Betty Jane Hunt. The committee has about a dozen or so core members with more lending a hand as needed, she said.
   The Township Committee previously allocated about $4,000 a year to the country fair, but not this year. With officials worrying over the loss of about $1.12 million in state aid, money is just too tight.
   The Country Fair Committee is preparing to send letters to township businesses seeking donations, according to volunteer Karen Baldino.
   No one has mentioned canceling the fair, although Ms. Hunt said it could be scaled back if a lack of funds calls for a smaller event.
   Mr. Molnar seemed surprised that township officials want to impose term limits on what are volunteer, ad hoc positions.
   But Deputy Mayor Ron Shapella said the fair committee should have term limits. He said it is the only township board or committee whose membership operates without terms or oversight.
   Mr. Molnar, a former township mayor who is running for a seat on the Township Committee this year against Mr. Shapella, said, “There was no accountability before when we had funds. You want accountability now when we have no money?”
   Ms. Baldino assured the Township Committee, “Any receipt or disbursement will go through the finance office. Whatever the procedure is for anything else, it will be the same for this account. You guys are going to see what’s going in and out of the account and approve it.”
   The matter was not resolved. Mr. Shapella said the proposal would be revisited at a future meeting.
   The fair will be held Sept. 20 in Hewitt Park.
   Donations may be made to the fair committee by contacting Ms. Baldino at [email protected] or 397-6121.