Leukodystrophy Walk to raise funds, awareness

A One Step Closer Walk for Leukodystrophy to benefit The Stennis Foundation, a nationwide nonprofit organization based in Amarillo, Texas, is set to begin at 1 p.m. on May 17 at Lombardi Field at Old Bridge High School, Route 516 and Cottrell Road. Sign-in and late registration will begin at noon. Proceeds from the event will be used to fund leukodystrophies research.

Registration fee is $10 and includes a T-shirt. Online registration is open at www.stennisfoundation.org.

The leukodystrophies are a group of rare brain-degenerative diseases that strip away myelin, the insulated covering of nerves in the brain. Prognosis for these diseases depends on the specific type of leukodystrophy. Treatment is symptomatic and supportive, and can include medications, various therapies and possible bone-marrow transplantation. Government funding for research is limited.

The walk is intended to honor those who are affected by a leukodystrophy, including New Jersey residents Eric Brown; Anthony, Matthew and Laura Grace Tomaino; Peter Jacob Christiansen; Warren JosephAlexander III; Reese Behnken; Lucas Viscomi; Christopher Braden Jones; Jared Kerr; Dawn Bjornsen; Dr. Stephen Massood; and Nicky Villalobos.