Stop bridge project, and conduct investigation

We have the utmost respect for the Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) and the World War I Doughboy monument. We are happy that it is out of harm’s way, in a safe place in the VFW backyard, where a watchful eye will be upon it as the NJDOT proceeds with their plans to erect the fixed span bridge, replacing the Highlands drawbridge.

However, the chain of events – including illegal dealings every step of the way – that has brought us to this phase of the construction is a travesty. Many local politicians have joined the Citizens for Rational Coastal Development call for a stop to this project while a thorough investigation is undertaken.

In addition, we need Gov. Corzine and the U.S. Attorney Chris Christie to get involved. How ironic will it be if the leaders who wanted the new bridge end up in jail, leaving those of us who have so adamantly opposed the bridge, here to live with it?
Shirley Olman
Citizens for Rational
Coastal Development