Pallone criticized for not addressing Lyme epidemic

Thank you for your thorough article on Congressman Frank Pallone and his refusal to bring H.R. 741 to a vote or hearing (June 5 North and South Brunswick Sentinel). The Lyme and Tickborne Disease Prevention, Education and Research Act is an extreme emergency not only for Frank Pallone’s constituents but for people across the nation.

People from across the United States are watchingMr. Pallone as he forms his alliance with the IDSA [Infectious Diseases Society of America].

The 14members of the new IDSAguidelines have been under investigation by the attorney general of Connecticut, Richard Blumenthal, for antitrust violation, exclusionary conduct, monopolization and conflicts of interest.

Many of these 14members have patents on Lyme or the co-infections, have interests in the test kits for these diseases, and most have had a vested interest in the manufacturing of the vaccine (failed vaccine).

How can Frank Pallone- knowing this – be lobbied by this group riddled with ulterior motives and clearly biased against chronic Lyme?

I ama former nurse with three children suffering fromtick-borne diseases…we are sick due to the IDSA guidelines which advocate for poor testing and stringent treatment. Our tests came back negative, which negated our symptoms, except for my daughter, same symptoms with seven bull’s-eyes. She received a short course of treatment and never got well.

We understand, Mr. Pallone, that the IDSA is a powerful lobbying group, but walk your town or come to mine and try to meet with someone who has not been affected or infected, some chronically and disabled, too many of them children.

We have an epidemic running rampant through our country, and the best way the IDSAhas to deal with it is to say it does not exist.

Mr. Pallone, listen to the thousands that have called you and the hundred who protested in your own backyard.

The cases of Lyme are rising at an alarming rate – there is a chance here to help thousands who need a cure and stop the many who will be infected.
Maggie Shaw
Newtown, Conn.